Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Language Studies

1. Silent Reading (15 min). Library tomorrow, make sure you take an AR quiz if you need to.

2. Guided Reading Questions: The Circuit: "Learning the Game"  Can be found in Google Classroom.

3. Chapter Summary: determine the central idea of the chapter, "Learning the Game"
 and summarize the key supportive details. Can be found in Google Classroom.

4. If finished, work on your slide presentation.

Social Studies

1. CNN News: Focuses on the role of animal feed and how it impacts the U.S. food industry.

2. Go over Section 1, Check your Progress questions from yesterday.

3. Read Section 2, "The Beliefs of Buddhism"

4. Finish Vocabulary for section 1 if not finished. If your are finished, watch this video.

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