Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday, April 8th, 2016

Language Arts

1. Silent Reading: Read your AR book or a NewsELA article. You should have 20 points by today.

2. Practice California SBAC Training Test for fifteen minutes. Sign in as a guest.
Here are the steps:
  • Practice and Training Steps
  • Students Interface (First Green Box)
  • Click on "Sing In" Yes, as a guest!
  • Select 6 grade and then Click Yes
  • Start G6 ELA Practice Test (Second one on the right side)
  • Click Select and begin Practice Test
3. Literacy Practice: Whales and Fish

Social Studies

1. CNN News "Today's show features a look into the U.S. Terrorist Screening Center and what concerns its officials. We also cover the auction of a "Harry Potter chair."
Take out your homework, I'll come by to check it!

2. Go over the Homework from last night.

3. Pop Quiz: Ancient China

4. Get started on Vocabulary

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