Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tuesday: 02/02/16

4th per. - Language Arts
Announcements: New Reading Log is up on Google Classroom. Make sure to check your assignments that you've turned in on Google classroom to make sure I haven't returned any of them and check any comments I may have left. 

1. Library - please take your books and school ID with you. 

2. Independent AR

HW: Read 30 mins. and complete any missing assignments from Google Classroom. 
5th per. - Social Studies

1. CNN Student News - "A Greek island is praised and criticized for its response to Europe's migrant crisis, and a doctor discusses deepening concerns about repeated head trauma".

2.  Now you will watch four different videos related to India's caste system. What do these videos add to your understanding of the caste system? Do you find the system unfair? Why or why not? 

The Caste System

The Caste System - Untouchables 

HW: Complete any missing assignments that you are missing! 

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