Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tuesday: 02/16/16

4th per. - Language Arts
Announcements: New Reading Log is up in your L.A. Google Classroom folder. Remember, you must have made at least one entry by the end of the day Friday, February 19. 

1. Independent Reading - You may choose to do one of the following: 1.) AR/library book 2.) NewsELA 3.) book from classroom library

2. Weekly Bulletin 02/15/16 - 02/19/16

3. El Angel de Oro Guided Reading Questions -> can be found in your L.A. Google Classroom folder. 
Due: This Friday, February, 19.

HW: Read at least 30 mins. at home and continue working on any missing assignments. 

5th per. - Social Studies
1. CNN Student NewsFeatured today: the passing of a U.S. Supreme Court justice, the plans for a ceasefire in Syria, a papal trip to Mexico, and the cerebral benefits of exercise.

2. Read Ch. 7 Section 2 - The Beliefs of Hinduism

3. Study Guide - Note taking and Questions Section 2 
Due: Monday, February 22, 2016. 

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