Hello everyone! Welcome back! I hope you all had an excellent winter break. This blog will serve as a temporary blog until I'm here. If you're absent, ever wonder what you missed for the day, or for whatever reason you can find it here. Make sure to BOOKMARK this page so it's easier to access.
Weekly Bulletin: http://lakeview.pvusd.net/cms/page_view?d=x&piid=&vpid=1420876007025
4th period - L.A.
1. Independent Reading for 15 mins.
Find an AR book or an article from NewsELA to begin today.
2. Guided Activity: Cyber Bullying
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Learn more about the nature cyber bullying by watching the video below.
Who has the power to stop cyberbullies? The teachers, principals, parents, the targets/victims, the bullies, or those who share and laugh at the mean posts - the bystanders.
First, let's watch these two short videos:
The Cyber Bullying Virus
Video #2: Upstanders - https://youtu.be/mIEgy3ZURQQ
3. Read this webpage Stomp Out Bullying with your neighbor (if you don't have one, I'll assign one) to learn more about the differences between bystanders and upstanders. After reading, respond to the question on the classroom stream:
4. Explain the difference between a bystander and an upstander? Why does being an upstander require bravery?
5. Open and complete the Cyberbullying Lesson with your neighbor - make a copy of the document from the link.
6. Complete the two part quiz on your own (at the end of the lesson document).
7. Last month, some Lakeview 7th graders completed a survey on bullying and bystanders. Please click here to see the survey results. Do any of the results surprise you? Do you consider the results to be good or bad news? Complete the Analyzing Survey Results document in your folder.
5th period - S.S.
Today we will begin a new unit - Ancient India: The Geography of South Asia
1. But first, let's take a look at CNN Student News "Explore the history and tradition of the State of the Union address, examine the parts of the brain involved in driving, and navigate the open sea in a rowboat".
2. World Atlas Exploration - take a minute to browse through your Ancient Civilizations texbook pp. A2 - A8.
3. Read pp. 166-169. Fill in the table and answer the questions on pp. 169 #'s 1-4 on the document. *MAKE A COPY. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iMu67Wo2qisamtciFmHDFxyCTp6EaqdOr1RIc3EzXtQ/edit?usp=sharing
*Whatever you don't finish, complete for HW!
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